reconciled with nature
a rising hillside design that provides access without taming the character of the landscape
understory: Mexican redbud (CECAM), Texas redbud (CECAT), Texas persimmon (DITE3), Possumhaw holly (ILDE), Yaupon holly (ILVO), Agarita (MATR3), Mexican plum (PRME), Texas mountain laurel (SOSE3), Mexican buckeye (UNSP)
cactus: Weber’s agave (AGTE7), Texas sotol (DATE3) Red yucca (HEPA8), Texas nolina (NOTE), Twisted-leaf yucca (YURU)
sunny perennials + shrubs: Winecup (CAIN2), Purple coneflower (ECPU), Four-nerve daisy (TESCS), Zexmenia (WEACH)
shady perennials + creek: Yellow columbine (AQCH), American beautyberry (CAAM2), Day flower (COER), Horsetail (EQHY), Turk’s cap (MAARD), Rock rose (PALA13), Scarlet sage (SARO3), Texas betony (STCO), River fern (THKU)
bunch grasses: Sideoats grama (BOCU), Texas sedge (CATE7), Inland sea oats (CHLA5), Gulf muhly (MUCA2), Big muhly (MULI)
site components: cantilevered bench, cistern, dry creek, steel edge, fence, steel + stone patio, threshold
vegetated surface(s): buffalo grass, hardwood mulch, little bluestem seeded patch
surface water flow: river gravel or honeycomb boulders, flag stones
functional surface(s): garapa, finely crushed limestone, steel structures, hardwood mulch or mineral mulch
watershed: dry creek north
location: ridge oak park – austin
ecological condition(s): escarpment, shady woodland, sunny edge