A layer of aggregate or organic material applied to the surface of a planted area to reduce evaporation from the soil.


  • Hardwood mulch: All-natural, double-ground native hardwood mulch that has been aged several months to create a dark color.
  • Rough cedar mulch: Native single-ground cedar mulch with larger pieces for a ranched-out look with a lighter color.
  • Pecan shell mulch: By-product of local pecan production, this unique mulch has a distinct character…smells good too.
  • Mineral mulch: Just about any gravel can be used as a mulch, depending on the design intent.


Hardwood mulch is an important additive to the garden during the first year to help protect new vegetation.  But after that first year or so, consider flipping that mulch to a seeded patch of wildflowers or native grasses once new plants are established.  This will give your landscape an incredible boost in biodiversity + dynamism.


Consider using the leaves that fall naturally each year as the mulch for vegetated buffers, that way, these leaves become more a welcome crop than a seasonal nuisance  This is super eco-friendly since the tree litter gets to stay onsite for a second use without filling up the landfill.


Mulch is a “vegetated surface” because the material that lies below most plant specimens in a vegetated zone of the landscape, especially immediately following fresh project cultivation.

The function of mulch is to protect the soil around plants + to discourage weeds. In the urban context, wood mulches have been used to create a more tidy appearance, coinciding with the removal of natural leaf litter desposited from surrounding trees. This annual convention of leaf-removal + mulch-importation should be challenged through design.


Projects that significantly feature mulch surface(s):