our RIFT line offers a highly versatile planting system, defined by a crisp, linear aesthetic

the RIFT planter is available in two configurations with a huge variety of sizes, built entirely out of custom-welded steel
landscape planters
RIFTs can both organize garden spaces + buffer between them — often serving as a modern alternative to the planted hedge or traditional base-plantings establishing a geometric order to the landscape — available in a wide variety of sizes, from as small as 24″ wide at 18″ tall up to a large rectangular planter 96″ wide at a 48″ height
patio planters
Ecotopes believes that nature is a necessary companion, inside + outside — even in tiny packages — designed to bring a fragment of the landscape to your kitchen countertop, office desktop, bedroom window sill or dinner table — package pricing available
structural materials
fabricated with industrial steel — welded by hand in austin, texas — rusty patina will develop over time — learn more about this material at our metals page here
native approved
RIFT planters are perfectly suited to gravel surfaces — learn more
construction option to permanently affix this fixture in the landscape, conforming to ecotopes’ adjacency design protocol
bundle with LifeCycle service starting at $50/month for landscape configurations + $5/month for patio planters — learn more