love garden
a special place where the bond of family + friendship has made a home
components: cantilevered bench, cistern, outdoor cooking arrangement, decking, dry creek, steel edge, fence, irrigation, landform, lighting, steel + stone patio, vertical screen
living systems: bouldin creek dining set, chisos alpine lounger, comal planters, hibachito, pecos lounge gravel tops, rift planters, tember planter, xoyl composter
understory: Mexican redbud (CECAM), Mexican olive (COBO2), American smoke tree (COOB2), Texas persimmon (DITE3), Texas mountain laurel (SOSE3), Mexican buckeye (UNSP), Rusty blackhaw (VIRU)
cactus: Weber’s agave (AGTE7), Texas sotol (DATE3), Giant hesperaloe (HEFU2), Red yucca (HEPA8)
sunny perennials + shrubs: Yarrow (ACMI2), Butterflyweed (ASTU), Chocolate daisy (BELY), Winecup (CAIN2), Sacred datura (DAWR2), Silver ponyfoot (DIAR2), Purple coneflower (ECPU), Prairie verbena (GLBI2), Texas star hibiscus (HICO2), Morning glory (IPLI), Blackfoot daisy (MELE2), Fragrant mimosa (MIBO2), Gaura (OELI2), Giant coneflower (RUMA3), Mealy blue sage (SAFA2), Globemallow (SPAM2), Four-nerve daisy (TESCS), Esperanza (TEST), Wooly ironweed (VELI3), Zexmenia (WEACH)
shady perennials + creek: White mistflower (AGHA4), Yellow columbine (AQCH), American beautyberry (CAAM2), Chile pequin (CAAN4), Buttonbrush (CEOC2), Blue boneset/mistflower (COCO13), Day flower (COER), Horsetail (EQHY), Texas lantana (LAUR2), Turk’s cap (MAARD), Rock rose (PALA13), Scarlet sage (SACO5), Dwarf palmetto (SAMI8), Cedar sage (SARO3), Texas betony (STCO), Coralberry (SYOR)
bunch grasses: Sideoats grama (BOCU), Blue grama (BOGR2), Texas sedge (CATE7), Inland sea oats (CHLA5), Gulf muhly (MUCA2), Big muhly (MULI), Mexican wiregrass (NATE3), Little bluestem (SCSC), Indian grass (SONU2)
surface water flow: honeycomb boulders, coarse limestone gravel, flag stones
functional surface(s): basalt, garapa or ipe hardwood, finely crushed limestone, metal or steel
watershed: WLR3: Waller Creek
location: hyde park
ecological condition(s):prairie pocket, shady woodland, sunny edge