specialized landscape service
for xeriscapes - native gardens - alternative landscapeslandscape service, flower bed maintenance, irrigation, organic fertilizer, austin texas, bamboo removal remediation, mosquito service, targeting weeds, reducing watering, reducing irrigation
drip-zone enrichment: The addition of about 2 cubic feet of compost-enhanced mulch per tree. This provides moisture protection + weed prevention, while encouraging soil health at the root base of trees.
leaf-drop mulching: recycling fallen leaves as mulch, blowing them from functional surfaces + turf into planted buffers.
supplemental tree litter clean-up: excess amounts of fallen leaves can be loaded into the composter (up to the proper amount for effective recycling) + into paper landscape bags for curbside pick-up as a last resort.
gutter check-up: Ecotopes supports screening your gutters to reduce blockages, but will plan to check for + clean out debris on a home’s lowest story as needed.
drains + dry creeks: seasonal debris check + clean out for surface water flows + area drains.
pruned tree limbs: planned reduction of fallen + unnecessary lower-level tree limbs in twined bundles, to be taken to the curb for take away.
There’s really two main points to be emphasized in caring for trees: the health of a tree + the aftermath of a tree’s litter.
Ecotopes serves as a first-line support detail providing healthy nutrition to trees, maintaining a healthy host of partner plants + processing tree litter, all while remaining vigilant to ongoing tree conditions. We’ll be another set of eyes to advise you when to call in an arborist for specialized care.